Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Teaching Yourself by Teaching Yourself - 3 Tips

Teaching Yourself by Teaching Yourself - 3 TipsIf you're going to consider using a personal tutor, you will need to decide on whether to hire a tutor to come in and do all the tutoring or whether you want to try to teach yourself. The latter is more difficult, but here are some ideas for how to do it.* Want to teach yourself? While it might be tempting to figure out some strategies that will teach yourself the whole process, don't get yourself into this trap. Instead, look at these tips. First, look at the lesson. If you're not familiar with it, know that this is the point where you'll be experiencing the full effect of the tutoring session.* The most important thing is that you are completely comfortable with what you're doing. This is the part where you'll be teaching yourself. Do this by putting yourself in the tutoring situation. Do this even before you look at the curriculum, find out who's giving the lesson, or even get to the point where you can make a request to be in the roo m for the lesson. It will make the experience easier.* Remember that this student is new. Make sure that you address them as such and avoid having tense interactions or talking back to them. Keep things flowing smoothly, but avoid interactions that show hostility.* Feel comfortable with asking questions. Not all questions will be helpful. Be aware that when you're teaching yourself, you'll be accountable for your own actions. It is important to remain focused and prompt so that you can use the lesson to your advantage.* Ask questions about the lesson. You want to be able to ask whatever you want. If you're comfortable asking questions, then you can make progress. Beforehand, ask a teacher for advice.As you can see, there are three levels to teaching yourself, even before you ask how to teach yourself the lessons. If you think you're ready, then take action and give yourself a tutor!

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